My dad loves cooking and I love what he cooks. And the best thing he cooks is pizza! He follows the traditional neapolitan recipe: water, flour, baking powder... Simple ingredients that give birth to an ancien food like pizza. When you cook your pizza at home it smells of family and love. It has the power and the strenght of who made it. I took a picture at this sense of family and warmth.
Quando mio padre fa la pizza è proprio un giorno felice. Lui la condisce con la passata di pomodoro, provoletta dolce, olio, permigiano e tanto tanto tanto salame. Ne viene fuori una vera prelibatezza! Volete vedere cosa è uscito fuori da tutto quel lavoro? Vi lascio una foto.
When my father makes pizza is an happy day! He puts on it tomato sauce, cheese, olive oil, parmesan and salami. Delicious! Here you are a picture.
When my father makes pizza is an happy day! He puts on it tomato sauce, cheese, olive oil, parmesan and salami. Delicious! Here you are a picture.
Buon appetito!!!
2 commenti:
It's so sweet how you describe your father making pizza. And his pizza looks delicious. Now I want to make pizza. :)
-iggygirl (check out my blog #4)
I think making pizza is a really lovely thing! :-)
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