sabato 17 ottobre 2015

Dewey's 24 Readathon - October 2015

Questo post sarà interamente in inglese in occasione del Dewey's 24 Readathon, una maratona di lettura a cui partecipo sempre con estremo entusiasmo! Seguitemi anche voi!

Can't wait to start this readathon! I wait for it for months, together with my sister. We are going to read, read, read the whole day!

Let's start!

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?  Naples, in Italy.
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?  "Dimentica il mio nome" by Zerocalcare.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? Tea!
4) Tell us a little something about yourself! I really love reading and I am a philosopher...
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? I changed location, I am in a more quiet place.

BOOKS: I finished Zerocalcare's Dimentica il tuo nome, that is so amazing that I will write another post for it. It is a beautiful and brilliant graphic novel. It shaped my mind and it let me understand an important thing about adulthood.


I chose to make the Cover Escape challenge by Unabridged Chick.
I selected a book that I love, from the seies of Nancy Drew. I want to escape in this cover, among the beautiful lanscapes of Scotland and possibly with Nancy Drew! 

The other challenge I took is the Goodreads Road Trip challenge.
I chose a song for an imaginary trip with the main character of the book I just finished. 
It is "No one would riot for less" by Bright Eyes, a really sad song that suits perfectly with the sad mood of this graphic novel.

FOOD: I ate some sandwich for lunch (in Italy readathon starts at 14.00) and some chocolate and some fruits for snack, but now I am very hungry and can't wait to have my dinner!


Books: I've read a collection of short stories by Ray Bradbury, a little book of 80 pages. I don't like it very much, onestly.
And I read a super awesome comic "Papernovela e Topokolossal", drawn by Silvia Ziche. It was super funny! Like every Disney published comic!

Food: Panfried chicken! Oh yes, finally I had my dinner! But I am still hungry!


Sleep: 8 hours! I need them!

Books: a collection of short stories by Sebastiano Vassalli

Food: My breakfast, with a book surely!


Closing Survey 

Which hour was most daunting for you? The night hours...
Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? The whole Nancy Drew series.
Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? More Facebook!
What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon? Everything is perfect.
How many books did you read? 4.
Which book did you enjoy most? "Dimentica il mio nome" by Zerocalcare.
Which did you enjoy least? The short stories of Bradbury.
How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? I will sure participate in the next readathon. It's a kind of family tradition for me.
What role would you be likely to take next time? Last time I made cheerleading, this time I dedicate myself to reading and it was perfect. I love the social part of readathon, but it tooks me a lot of time, perhaps I have to use some speedy social network like Instagram or Twitter...


martedì 13 ottobre 2015

Social Zoo+Pizza Fries

Post veloce veloce: uno snack+un libro. 
Pizza fries + Social Zoo, un abbinamento scoppietante come l'originale romanzo epistolare di Aldo Putignano che vi voglio presentare.

Easy Peasy! One snack and one book: pizza friesSocial Zoo. Awesome duet!

Cos'è: Social Zoo è una genialata ricca di humor e di occasioni di riflessione. Si tratta di una raccolta di lettere di diversi personaggi che inviano i loro pensieri a un unico destinatario, il quale non risponde mai. Alcuni neanche lo conoscono eppure proprio lui, Lorenzo, diventa un importante confidente, quasi una sorta di coscienza, quello sconosciuto con cui riflettere ad alta voce. 
Attraverso le lettere si dipanano le storie dei diversi personaggi, storie che a volte si intrecciano, a volte restano sullo sfondo. Il tutto è quasi teatrale, come se un occhio di bue illuminasse il singolo mittente nell'atto di scrivere la sua storia.
Perché leggerlo: Perché è unico e originale, ma nello stesso tempo è denso di richiami letterari e riferimenti colti che vanno da Manzoni a Foscolo, passando per Facebook e gli strumenti della comunicazione moderna.

Social Zoo was not translated in other languages, but if you are learning italian you could buy the e-book and give it a try. The book is an epistolary novel written with a lot of humor. Some people, who don't know each other, write to Lorenzo who never replies. He becomes for these people a kind of conscience, so they can live their own lives while the novel goes on.
It's a very original story, but it is also a book full of literary references. In this bond lies its brilliance.

Pensate il tutto accompagnato da questa cosa gnammosa del blog Oh, bite it! che devo provare presto! 
Impasto pronto per pizza, salame, sugo, mozzarella... lo preparo e vi dico! 

The best snack for this reading? This crazy Pizza Fries, by Oh, bite it!
Pizza crust, marinaa sauce, mozzarella cheese... I have to try them!

Siete arrivati a leggere fino a qui? 
Allora ecco un piccolo bonus!
Visitate la galleria di Heather Theurer, un'artista che ha ricreato le principesse Disney usando lo stile pittorico di Leonardo da Vinci.

A little gift to you:
Visit the on-line gallery of Heather Theurer, an artist that has painted the Disney princesses using Leonardo Da Vinci's style. Awesome!